Solva to Porth Clais 14 08 10 With Glam Boaters

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Morning Trip Day 1

I left for Whitesands in St Davids Pembrokeshire in the early hours to meet up with the rest of Glam Boaters club. I arrived at the camp site just as they were leaving for Solva.

Lime kilns at Solva harbour
We unloaded the boats and left the harbour at high tide.

Exploring the caves near Solva.

We left the shelter of the south facing cliffs and headed for Green Scar, one of three small islands about 1km from the entrance to Solva harbour. Forecast came in on the radio, force 4/5 sea state slight to moderate.

We were greeted at Green Scar by some Shags and Guillemots who didnt seem to mind us getting too close.

Once around the tiny island and it was a battle into the Northerly wind back to shore. Heres me trying out my video on my new camera. For some reason the video doesnt fit the blog so double click it to open in you tube, if anyone knows how to sort this let me know.

After a tyring slog into the wind we land on a small slate beach for a quick breather.

There were 8 of us in all, this time all in sea boats.

More caves....Even though Ive done this stretch of coast previously it was nice to be able to get close up and explore this time. Last time I was here there was a big swell and I had to view the cliffs from a distance.

Mount Rushmore of Pembroke?? Theres definitely a couple of faces there.

Ship wreck.

How many kayaks can you fit in a cave!

The geology in this area is pretty impressive too.

Playing in the surf.


Our next beach invasion was at Caefai Bay where I camped a few weeks ago. I try out a role with the camera at this bay.
Leaving the bay we carry on around to Porth Clais where we left our pick-up car. Before we land a few of the guys couldnt resist getting out of their boats and launching themselves off a cliff. The boy who jumps second in this video was only young and was doing back flips and everything.

Richie doing a mid air pirouette!

With all that exploring and cliff jumping it was low tide by the time we reached Porth Clais, which can only mean a long walk up to the car park. As it was spring tides the walk was extra long!
It was back to the camp site for some lunch and to pitch the tent before a late evening paddle at the blue lagoon.


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