Quick update

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Very little boat work happening recently. Lots of other fun things happening, though! In the last two weeks I finished all of the remaining classes I need for my masters degree, got my eyeballs lasered, and got a summer internship with NASA. GO SCIENCE!! That means that I wont be accomplishing much of anything on the boat this summer (though Im hoping to get a few small things done in the next week before leaving), but Im excited to come back in the fall and be able to work on the boat a lot more, as Ill only be splitting my time between thesis research and the boat!

Obviously, the plan I laid out back in September (?) to finish this thing has not come to fruition. The few, sad things I accomplished on the boat in the last 5 months: 
1) cut out all remaining chine notches 
2) ripped and planed a bunch of 8/8 rough white oak to 3/4" to laminate the chine and stringers with
3) spiled, cut, and installed one lonely piece of wood in the chine notches

Ive been struggling for the past several months with whether its a smart idea for me to finish this project. I desperately want to finish what Ive started, but there isnt anything for me career-wise in the Valley (unless SpaceX comes to Brownsville--fingers crossed) and the boat isnt in any condition to be moved yet. I dont particularly relish the idea of living in Rio Grande City any longer, and part of me wants to donate everything I own and just get out. Ramon is moving to Austin next month to work on quantum this-and-that theory stuff (exciting, even if I dont understand it!), but Im not sure I can handle living in Rio without him. So, the plan is to live one last single semester in Rio while I finish my degree and make a balls to the wall effort on the boat to get it in good enough shape to move it to a boatyard by December. Good enough shape = planking + fiberglass. Yup, thats the plan.
I can see clearly now, the blur is gone. ♫♪


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